Cultural Stopovers: Arts &Culture take Nairobi for a Day

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Let me share The Word for a minute. No, I don’t want to preach. That is not my vocation. I just want to make things clear. Permission granted? Yes? Definitely yes. Here goes.

Matthew 5:14-15

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.

Let us relate this to arts and culture, shall we? Kenya is blessed with cultural diversity like no other and individuals who are blessed with so many talents. From the stroke of the pen that writes a story to the brush that paints one. From the beads whose combinations create ornaments that are almost sacred to our cultures to the way of life of our people. A lot has been said about this. But is it enough? Some communities are even being considered to be facing extinction. Will they die with their stories? What is the importance of artistic and cultural initiatives if no one knows about them? With arts and culture as the light, we as the custodians of both should light the path of enlightenment about the two.

Often, organizations come up to try and promote our cultural heritage and the diverse talents in art that our people possess. But they fall short? Why you ask? This is because they aim to do this on their own. The light flickers off as it does soon after the matchstick is struck. The only way these initiatives can survive is if they came together not only to harness the energy and benefit of synergy but also to keep the arts and cultures alive. That is where Cultural Stopovers comes in.

Cultural Stopovers is an initiative that aims at giving a platform to the various artistic and cultural initiatives for them to be visible. Founded in 2014 by Wanayran Angerer, a world renowned Honduras jazz performer, the initiative brings together forward-thinking individuals in the artistic and cultural business circles who then become the vessels through which unity is promoted in diversity through the recognition of the transformative power of arts and cultures.

The initiative is meant to connect Nairobians with the flowing springs of cultural and artistic expressions in their city for we know that Nairobi is the one place in the country that cultures from around the country and even the globe come together. It therefore is a vantage point that should be used to make the lives of our people better.

I know what you are thinking. “Awesooooome!!!” Or something close to it anyway. So, at what cost does moving cultures coordinate these activities for you? Here’s the beauty of it. It is free of charge. Do I hear another awesome? What you will have to do, however, is plan the activities you will be involved in according to the programs of your company or organization. Participants will also promote the joint program so as to reach a wider audience.

To confirm your participation, you need to send the following to

  • Company name
  • Company description
  • Contact of person responsible for marketing and PR of your company
  • Forward your logo.

PS: Please confirm by 1st Oct 2015. The event will take place from 27th to 28th Feb, 2016.

As you do, like these two pages on Facebook that are involved in the initiative: These awesome people and this gifted group of women.